Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Post 2

Which character speaks to your own pesonal experiences in life? For instance, Troy is much like my father who totally disagreed with my decision to become a teacher. He thought I should get a two year degree to get a job sooner. Choose a character and explain how his/her charateristics relate to someone you know.


  1. Rose, reminds me of my mother's old boss. She has a strong personality and many talents but settled for a man and lets him do all the work. Like Rose her husband cheated on her but never left her. Neither left because they needed them and the wives were not planning on leaving.

  2. Rose reminds me of my Grandmother. She is very sweet and loving. Like Rose my grandmother became a house wife and let my grandpa do all the work. When my grandfather came home from work my grandmother had his dinner ready. Rose is the type of woman that gave her all to her husband and put her family before her own dreams kind of like my grandmother did. No matter how crazy Troy would get, Rose never left him. My grandfather had his moments, but my grandmother never left his side. When Rose decided to help Troy take care of his Daughter after he cheated, that is what brought my grandmother to mind. My grandmother loves children and would do anything to help them. She wouldn't treat them no different from her own. It takes a real woman to do what Rose did for Troy. And my grandmother would do the same thing for my grandfather.
