Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Post 1

What was your impression of the first twenty pages of Fences by August Wilson?


  1. My impression of the first twenty pages was that this would be a good book. I felt as though that August Wilson portrayed a real family;usually books portray families that are not realistic which is not entertaining. August Wilson also gave me a real since of what was going on during that time.

  2. My impression of the first 20 pages was that the book would be interesting. Troy is extremely funny, yet, so angry. He does not care about anything that he says. But i think he's still hurt by the things that he had to go through in his pass. I think that he is to hard on Cory because he doesn't want him to get hurt in the football industry. Rose is just a house wife. Gabriel is completely throwed off!! They are all funny..its just the way people were back in the days..i guess!!

  3. I like it. The fact that troy says the first thing that comes to his mind and the dialogue that is used in the book makes the reader clear of the time period and the setting

  4. The first 20 pages of fences were intrestng. You really get the feel of all the characters. Act one really sets the tone for the rest of the book. Troy is intelligent but he is very blunt and striaght foward. he language of the book makes the reader feels as if their in the time period. In act one rose, bono, and troy were all reminiseing about the past. then Troys son lyons comes to the house and ask his father for some money. Troy reluctaly gave him the money but not without letting him know that itsnot ok for him to keep asking for money. If things arent Troy's way then he doent like it. Act one kept me dngadged and it was hard for me to put the book down after reading it.

  5. I like it. The fact that Troy says the first thing that comes to his mind. The dialogue that is used in the book makes the reader clear of the time period and the setting of the story. Rose is a sweet lady and tries to keep Troy in line but sometimes it doesnt work. He is the type of person that say how feels no matter wat. Lyons is Troy's son and in the book he cameand asked his dad for ten dollars and Troy gave hime a hassle. he gave Lyons the money eventually. i would recommend this book for ayone who is interested in the past or likes to laugh.

  6. The first twenty pages of Fences by August Wilson, I would have to say ae both interesting and intriguing. It's interesting because the author tells a story about a family back in the day and it seems to be very realistic. It's intriguing because the main character, Troy, is a very outspoken individual(who is also black). He speaks his mind whenever and wherever! He is married to Rose, in which he says, 'She's the best thing that ever happened to him.' However, within this book, Troy brings up a very controversial topic.
    Troy is a trash/ snaitation worker. He works his butt off, as he say! While those who are of a different race, meaning Caucasian, gets the pleaesure and relaxation of driving trucks. However, the controversial topic he indirectly introduces to us is racism. Because of his past,as well as his current issues, he is extremely hard on his son Cory, who wants to play football. But becasue of his failure with sports, he will not allow for his son to fulfill his dream. Troy says 'The white man won't let the black man achieve and be successful.' But Troy has yet to realize that the white man does not have complete power; better yet, no power because all the power is found with in ourselves!

  7. Which character speaks to your own pesonal experiences in life? For instance, Troy is much like my father who totally disagreed with my decision to become a teacher. He thought I should get a two year degree to get a job sooner. Choose a character and explain how his/her charateristics relate to someone you know.

  8. This is a very wonderful book. It is one of the greatest comedies i've ever read. Although i have read many books and this book has kept my attention althrough the first act. it is based off a family in the late 1920's. it shows us that no matter what you have to be there for family. For example the father,troy, who trys his best to provide for his childern and family. then there is lyons, he is a son of troy. he is a musician who always trys to get money. then theres rose a sweet mother who loves her family. so all in all this is a great start to a book.

  9. the first twent pages of fences was great. It was very funny. my favorite character is troy. He is hilarious and always so angry. Troy is not afraid to speak his mind. His son Lyons only comes around on payday. At first i thought the book was going to be boring, but as i read on it got interesting. The book is very realistic. When you read this book you can picture them in the !950's. This is a book i would read at home.

  10. The first 20 pages of the book, fences was very interesting. Immediately the relationships between the characters were easily reecognizable. I honestly felt closer to the characters and their feelings towards one another. The author- August, made it so clear and evident. The rough talking man, Troy was extremely hilarious and it is easy to see that his wife, Rose and his friend Bono loves him regardless of his sarcastic wit. Him and his son's relationship hit close to home because they have a relationship that most kids have with their fathers. The author did a really good job at interpreting what those feelings were. He also did a good job at focusing on what a father son relationship can do to a family.

  11. My impression of the first twenty pages of "Fences" was that this book was going to be a great book and it keeps that audience attention. Troy Maxson who is one of the main characters is very funny and he speaks his mind alot. His wife Rose is very strong and she tries to keep the peace around the house. Bono is Troy's close friend and he loves him alot. I also like the way that the author shows Troy feelings about the way that blacks are treated. Lyons is Troy's son and he is always trying to find a way to get money from his dad. He tends to come around alot when its Payday. What i dislike about Troy is his attitude towards his son Corey and his dreams at becoming a football player. He wants his son to learn how to fix cars and make a living. In his eyes its the way a man is suppose to make a living. I am looking forward to reading the rest of the book and i would truly recommend this book for others to read.

  12. This book is extremly funny. This book can relate to what my family does. We are always laughing at each other and be funny. For an example, Troy is my aunt, Rose is my uncle, Lyons is my cuzin and i am Gabriel. My impression on this book is that it keeps everyone attention and its is really interresting. One of funniest characters is Troy, he is the most straight forward people and he always keeps it real.
    But it is some dislikes about the charcters for Troy, i dislike his attitude towards his son about football. And Rose she doesnt take charge of what goes on in the house unless Troy tells her how to do it. Bono is all around he always agree to what Troy says and he seems like he is a suck up. Everything is this book is good and i hope it continues on with it. But i can say now that this is one of my favortie books and we havent even read all of it.

  13. By reading the first 20 pages of Fences, I knew the book was going to be good. August Wilson's portrayal of everyday people with everyday problems is what grabbed my attention and kept me wanting to read more. By focusing on the problems of everyday people, he allows his readers to relate to and laugh at some of the situations brought up in the book. The book sort of reminded me of the play A Raisin in the Sun because both books focus on a family dealing with the harsh life they were given.
    After reading the first few pages of the book, the character Troy stood out to me the most. He seems as though he is going to be the main character of the play. He appears to be a complex person with an even more complex life. His wife, Rose, appears to be his backbone and source of reasoning. Overall, the play made a good first impression on me.

  14. I'd have to say that the character Rose relates most to someone I know. Rose is all about business and puts the needs and wants of her family before anything and anyone. She has been through a lot and does not want her son to have to struggle like she once did. Instead, she has high hopes for her son and wants him to do whatever makes him happy. For her being the person she is, Rose reminds me a lot like my mother.
    My mother is always caring and understanding. She has to play multiple roles in order to maintain a roof over our heads and fulfill the needs and wants of her family's-even if it means putting what she wants on hold. She is always motivating us to do and be whatever it is that makes us happy because when we're happy so is she. Just like Rose, my mother puts on a front and acts as of she isn't afraid of anything just to protect us and show us that here is nothing in the world that we should fear. Overall, both Rose and my mother are two strong, black, intelligent women who work hard in everything they do.

  15. I thought that the first twenty pages were good. I got to know Troy through those pages and I realized that he exaggerated a lot. Troy is a lively character, and he always has something to say. Also, Rose is a sweet and nice character. She is the opposite of Troy, and she complements him well. She takes care of everybody, and she doesn't cause trouble like it seems like Troy does.
